Summer Excursions
Get our and explore! Our summer excursion program offers a new adventure each excursion day throughout the summer.
What to Expect: Each day, kids in grades 3-6 will be introduced to a new outdoor adventure to promote an active lifestyle and exercise while learning a little bit more about the outside world; all in a fun environment. Each child will be responsible for providing their own sunscreen, bug spray, water bottle and snack each trip.
Age/Grade: Grades 3-6
Drop Off: 12:30PM at the RRC Baseball Field
Pick Up: 5:00PM at the RRC Baseball Field
June Days
June 5: Fort Union
June 12: Cartwright Tunnel
June 19: Heritage Park
Fee: $10/excursion or $25 for all three days
July Days
July 10: Ranch Day
July 17: Sandy Beach Swimming
July 24: TRNP - North Unit
Fee: $10/excursion or $25 for all three days
Medora Day
Mini Golfing, Zip Lining and More!
June 26, 2024
Grades: 3-8
Drop Off: 9:30AM at RRC Baseball Field
Time: 10:00AM-5:00PM
Fee: $50/kid
Any questions, email Krystal at krystalp@roughridercenter.com
Scholarships Available for all programs! For more information email Sara at saraf@roughridercenter.com.